Mr Shabih Siddiqui is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon who has been practicing almost for the last. 30 years.
He is currently working as Orthopaedic Surgeon in Kettering General Hospital in Northamptonshire in UK.
He has achieved Masters in Orthopaedics and also Fellowship under the Royal Surgeons of England in Trauma and Orthopaedics.
He has done special courses for Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement an.d Paediatric Orthopaedics.
He has also undergone training in Sheffield Children’s Hospital.
Working in Kettering he has been conducting teaching sessions for Senior House Officers, Registrars and trainee doctors.
Amongst his specialism is included hip replacement, knee replacement, foot and bunion surgery, Arthroscopic knee surgery and paediatric Orthopaedics.
He is an extremely experienced trauma surgeon.
Apart from clinical work he has been involved in various research papers and audits.